Try not to laugh, but if you's good and healthy! It also proves that you are human :-)


  • Mouse Left-click: to punch, and stand up.
  • Move the mouse left, right, Up, Down: to look around.
  • Mouse Scroll: to zooming-in and out. When zooming-in it also slow down the speed of the game.  To resume to the normal speed, press Space-bar on your keyboard.
  • Keyboard Space-bar: to stop the slow-motion effect. It also resume to the normal game speed.
  • Keyboard W-A-S-D: moving your character.
  • Keyboard Escape: To see you mouse pointer, when it is outside of the game's screen.  (There is a button called "Enter fullscreen" at the bottom-right corner, click on it to play the game in full screen. It's much better).

Note: this is a quick release to see if you like it (if you laughed :-)), if yes, I will continue to develop it (change and add  other characters, fixing some issue, etc). So let me know, in the comment section below.

Hope you enjoy and ... have some good laughs :-)

Update 2023-03-15: fixed some sound effects.